Thursday, August 1, 2013


Last summer, I got a new bike because I had been seeing pictures of girls on cute beach bikes with wicker baskets carrying their towels on the way to the beach. Of course, I knew I had to have one. However, I rode my sparkly new bike once before the summer was over.

This summer, my friend, S, and I have decided to plan day trips that don't cost a lot of money. Our first trip was to a bike trail.

Here are some pictures of our adventure:

My bike, which I am so happy I was able to use

We got pizza from a little restaurant and ate on a rock wall over-looking the water

We also thought it would be a good idea to try bike-tography (photo shoot while biking)

Our view during the whole ride

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Unintentional Hiatus

I had all good intentions of becoming a blogger and faithfully posting about the events in my life. Then I realized it is very easy to live those events, but not quite as easy to take time to write them down.

This summer so far has been one of the most hectic times in recent memory. Between preparing to apply to college this fall (the Common App opens in 4 days!!!!!), going on family vacations, and working almost everyday, I am a pretty tired lady when I finally have time to myself.

Therefore, I have decided to instead of doing the typical blogger posts about which pieces they want to buy from the new Lilly collection, I am going to focus more on what is going on in my life: college, family, and friends.

I will still be posting, but I feel that these posts will be useful in the future when I want to look back on my senior year and remember the good times that will surely fly by!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July Wishlist

Problem: I have recently discovered Polyvore. It is almost as addicting as pinterest because I seem to get caught up in searching "What's in my bag" or "preppy" sets and consequently,  I spend quite a while scrolling through all the outfit ideas.

My wallet is not very happy about this either because I'm finding lots of items I can't live without.

Here are a few items I have added to my July Wishlist:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What's in my bag: summer edition!

One of the main reasons I began reading blogs is that I loved "What's in my bag?" posts. I wouldn't say this comes from a nosy perspective. I just find it handy when someone carries something that I hadn't previously thought to add to my own bag, and I find out about it through their post.

So now I will be on the other side, and show other interested blog readers what is inside of my purse.

My bag:
I found this bag a few weeks ago in a little boutique in Providence, RI. I fell in love with it and had to add it to my extensive collection!! 


First, I have my wallet, which is a black DKNY. I am not in love with it and I have my eye on a new Kate Spade number.

I have my earphones, hair ties,  dental floss, lip balms, hand lotion (from Crabtree and Evelyn, which I am in love with), Bath & Body Works Coral Reef hand sanitizer, a roller perfume of Lola by Marc Jacobs, bobby pins, and my favorite Bic black pens

I occasionally carry around my iPad, but it weighs down my bag and I don't need to lug it around if I am only going shopping.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hair Dilemma

On December 12, 2011, I cut my hair 10 inches of my hair and donated it to Locks for Love. Now, I think this is a great organization and a lot of girls cut and donate their hair all the time to help others in need. However, after I cut my hair, I was in distress for almost 2 years until it grew all the way back.

I know this may not seem like a big deal to other people, but if you lived in my house for those 2 years, you would not believe the amount of agonizing and mourning I did over the loss of my hair.

Here is a picture of pre-cut.

Here is a (very awkward) picture of post-cut.

Now, almost 2 and a half years later, my hair has indeed grown back to the original length and has far surpassed where it was on December 11th.

Picture for reference:

The problem is, in the past 2 or 3 months, I have begun to get sick of the length and an itching for a change. However, I do not want to make the mistake of cutting it too short, or choosing a style that takes a lot of maintenance because I usually don't have sufficient time in the morning before school.

Here are some styles I have been eyeing on Pinterest, let me know what you think!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013


I joined Bloglovin'! 

Follow my blog at: lifeoflbe

Wants: L.L. Bean Tote Bag

As I see things via online shopping, I will post them on Life of LBE for some feedback because I like having another opinion before making a purchase!

#1:   I have been eyeing the L.L. Bean canvas tote bag for a while now because I think they are so cute, especially because of the monogram, so I have been going back and forth between wanting to get one and waiting for something better to come along. I would get the medium tote with navy straps, but I can't decide between zipper or non-zipper and length of the straps.